Wild Borneo: Orangutans, Proboscis Monkeys & More

Borneo, the world’s third-largest island, harbours the tallest and most ancient rain forests on Earth. Sheltered beneath their dense canopies are Jungle Rivers, waterfalls and a host of wildlife that leaps, darts and crawls in the emerald depths. Endangered orangutans thrive in the lush vegetation, sharing branches and vines with... More

Borneo, the world’s third-largest island, harbours the tallest and most ancient rain forests on Earth. Sheltered beneath their dense canopies are Jungle Rivers, waterfalls and a host of wildlife that leaps, darts and crawls in the emerald depths. Endangered orangutans thrive in the lush vegetation, sharing branches and vines with leaf monkeys, wild gibbons, flying lemurs and more than 300 vibrant bird species. Rare proboscis monkeys are at home in coastal mangroves where hornbills and sea eagles soar above. Tiny turtle hatchlings find their way to the sea on Selingan Island. In the forest beneath Mount Kinabalu’s prominent peaks, pygmy elephants lumber through the underbrush while monitor lizards sunbathe on the banks of the Kinabatangan River. Wildlife flourishes in Borneo, and we safari in search of it on a matchless tropical nature adventure.

This is a comprehensive travel to nature in Borneo, encompassing diverse ecosystems. We explore the jungle sanctuaries of Sepilok, Semenggoh and Kinabatangan, mangroves in Bako National Park, Selingan Turtle Island, and virgin rain forest in the Danum Valley. In these contrasting locales, we search for the endangered orangutan, pygmy elephant, Bornean bearded pig, smooth-coated otter, long- and pig-tailed macaques, monitor lizard, proboscis monkey, rhinoceros hornbill, silvered leaf monkey and numerous tropical rare & exotic bird species!



  • Close Encounters with Orangutans – Observe wild orangutans living freely in their rain forest habitat, and learn about efforts to conserve them at two rehabilitation centers
  • Selingan Turtle Island – Speedboat ride to Selingan Turtle Island, one of three main turtle nesting sites in Borneo, Selingan’s long beaches and coastal mangroves are protected habitat for endangered green sea turtles.
  • Visit Labuk Bay Proboscis Monkey Sanctuary –  A  mangrove reserve along the coast that allows us a close-up view of these leaping primates named for their large, fleshy noses, which are found nowhere in the world beyond Borneo.
  • Private Tour of Sun Bear Rehabilitation Center – Behind the scenes, hear the inspiring conservation success story of how the world’s smallest bear was brought back from the brink of extinction
  • Explore Ancient Tropical Rain Forest – Deep in the Danum Valley, search for proboscis monkeys, gibbons and the elusive slow loris, and scout for pygmy elephants along the Kinabatangan River

Welcome to Kuching! A travel-to-nature Asia guide will be at the airport to greet and take us to our hotel. Please look out for your name-card once you exit out of arrival area.

Kuching is the capital of the East Malaysian state of Sarawak and the largest city on the island of Borneo. It is one of the most multicultural cities in Malaysia, melding Chinese, Malay, Indian and Indonesian cultural groups and languages.

In the afternoon your wildlife adventure begins. Visit Semenggoh Orangutan Center outside town to observe the afternoon feeding. The centre was established in 1975 to care for wild animals found injured or orphaned in the forest, or ones that were previously kept as illegal pets. Since its founding, the centre has cared for more than 1,000 animals, and its orangutan rehabilitation mission has been so successful that the surrounding reserve has now reached its carrying capacity. While rehabilitation continues elsewhere, today Semenggoh focuses on the study of orangutan biology and behaviour while providing a safe and natural haven for dozens of semi-wild orangutans that are graduates of the rehabilitation program. It is also home to numerous babies, born in the wild to rehabilitated mothers, a further testament to the program’s success. This evening, learn more about the adventures to come at a welcome dinner with our Expedition Leader.

Accommodation: The LimeTree Hotel

We embark on a short boat ride this morning to Bako National Park, reachable only by sea on the tip of a peninsula where the Bako and Kuching rivers meet.

Millions of years of erosion have carved the sandstone cliffs and rocky headlands into fantastically shaped arches and sea stacks, striated with colored layers formed by iron deposits. White sandy beaches edge the coast below, while inland, the compact reserve abounds with wildlife. Observe an amazing array of diverse tropical vegetation and wild-life, including such species as Dipterocarp trees, pitcher plants, mangrove forests and ‘Padang’ or bush type vegetation and look for proboscis monkeys in the trees, along with long-tailed macaques, silvered leaf monkeys and numerous tropical bird species.

A walk along the lush mangrove trails may also reveal smooth-coated otters and Bornean bearded pigs. Though Bako is one of the smallest national parks in Sarawak, its multiple biomes harbour a great diversity of species. We’ll explore rain forest, jungle streams, waterfalls and secluded beaches along a network of trails before returning to Kuching. Overnight in Kuching.

Accommodation: The LimeTree Hotel
Meal: Breakfast

This morning, we fly to Sandakan (Sabah). Our destination is the Kabili-Sepilok Forest Reserve, home to endangered orangutans. The 10,000-acre protected area, named for the two main rivers that flow through it, comprises tropical highland forest, sandstone ridges and lowland mangrove swamp. In addition to orangutans, we’ll search the forest for gibbons, macaques, mouse deer, wild boar and bright-coloured kingfishers. We stay on the very edge of the reserve surrounded by huge trees and lush tropical plants. This evening, head into the forest on a guided night walk to hear and see an array of nocturnal creatures.

Accommodation: Sepilok Nature Resort
Meal: Breakfast

Make two visits today to Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre, established in 1964 to protect orphaned baby orangutans and rehabilitate them for return to the wild. We go early for the orangutans’ morning feeding, then return for their afternoon feeding again. Most orphans were seized from illegal captivity after having been taken from their mothers as infants to be kept as pets. Staff help them learn basic survival skills such as how to find food, build nests and climb trees. The center also aids adults that have sustained injuries or require medical care before being returned to their natural habitat. Since the centre was established, more than 100 orangutans have been successfully released. Its mission has grown to include research, conservation education and support for other endangered species, including captive breeding of rare and endangered rhinos. During our visit we’ll see orangutans up close, learn about the rehabilitation process, and hike on boardwalks through the rain forest as we watch youngsters swing from vines to feeding areas where they receive their daily fruit and milk. Keep an eye out, too, for long- and pig-tailed macaques leaping through the treetops.

We also visit the Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre. Founded in 2008, the centre provides care, rehabilitation and release of orphaned and captive sun bears, and increases awareness about the plight of this little-known bear. We’ll take an exclusive private tour of the centre—either with founder Wong Siew Te, whom CNN lauded as a Hero of 2017, calling him a “Superman saving the sun bears of Malaysia,” or one of his close conservation colleagues. The Malayan sun bear, found only in Southeast Asia, is the world’s smallest bear species. While Borneo remains a stronghold for this vulnerable animal, it is seriously threatened if not extinct in many areas of mainland Asia, where forest destruction and poaching have dramatically reduced its numbers.

Accommodation: Sepilok Nature Resort
Meal: Breakfast

This morning, we’ll visit Labuk Bay Proboscis Monkey Sanctuary, a mangrove reserve along the coast that allows us a close-up view of these leaping primates named for their large, fleshy noses, which are found nowhere in the world beyond Borneo. Then we board a speedboat to ride to Selingan Turtle Island, one in a group of uninhabited islands in the Sulu Sea. As one of three main turtle nesting sites in Borneo, Selingan’s long beaches and coastal mangroves are protected habitat for endangered green sea turtles pushed to the brink of extinction by trawling, coastal development and consumption. The island is the site of Malaysia’s first sea turtle hatchery, established in 1966. We enjoy a relaxing afternoon of birdwatching or snorkeling in the warm turquoise waters. This evening, alongside rangers who patrol the beach, we observe turtles swimming ashore to lay their eggs, and we may see tiny hatchlings as they are released into the sea. Eventually we retire to our simple chalets—the only accommodations on the island—knowing we are among very few visitors to savour this rare opportunity. Overnight stay in Turtle Island.

Accommodation: Selingan Island Chalet
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Depart by boat for the dense mangrove forests of Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary. The Kinabatangan River at the centre of the reserve is the longest river in Sabah, providing a lifeline for inhabitants of this vital ecosystem. The sanctuary is home to one of the highest wildlife concentrations in Southeast Asia. Lush vegetation provides camouflage for many species, but we’ll hope to see plenty of the wild residents including the elusive wild orangutan, proboscis and leaf monkeys, gibbon, macaque, pygmy elephant, wild boar, otter, river crocodile, monitor lizard and a great array of birdlife—rhinoceros hornbill and kingfisher are common sightings. Since palm oil plantations surround the reserve on all sides, it provides especially critical habitat for these species threatened by habitat loss.

Each early morning and mid-afternoon we will take boat trips along the river and into tributaries and oxbow lakes. Once off the main river channel the boatman of each of our motorised canoes will turn off the noisy diesel engine and switch on the low-powered and silent electric motor, enabling us to really enjoy the sights and sounds of this rich wilderness. Here we hope to see wild Orangutans making their way slowly through the canopy of riverside trees or, in late afternoon, watch them making their night-time nests.

Our remote  Sukau Rainforest Lodge along the riverbank is inaccessible by road, offering exceptional privacy and solitude. We will also take time to wander very gently with our local expert along the short trails into the secondary forest just around our lodge where, with patience, a great variety of birds can be found. Black-headed Pitta can usually be seen, and others such as Raffle’s Malkoha, Buff-necked, Banded and Crimson-winged Woodpeckers, Straw-headed Bulbul, Black-throated and Chestnut-winged Babblers, Black-and-Yellow Broadbill, Little Green Pigeon and perhaps even Malaysian Honeyguide. Many birds can also be seen from the lodge veranda, while we can relax with a cold drink, especially if one or two of the adjacent trees are fruiting. It is also a great place for photographing dragonflies and butterflies.

Take guided nature walks in the surrounding rain forest and cruise up the Kinabatangan River by day and at dusk to view and hear nocturnal creatures such as crocodiles and night birds. There are no villages for miles, and the only human presence is a few local shrimp fishermen on the river, whose catch often provides a fresh dinner at the lodge.

Accommodation: Sukau Rainforest Lodge
Meal: Breakfast

We depart Kinabatangan early by boat, with a last chance to look for wildlife along the river during our 90-minute journey. Once we reach Sukau, we continue by logging road to the nearest town, Lahad Datu, then on to Borneo Rainforest Lodge within the Danum Valley for two night stay.

Danum Valley Conservation Area is Sabah’s largest area of undisturbed lowland forest, with more than 200 species of trees that tower to 160 feet. This spectacular tract of ancient primary rain forest holds exceptional status. Before it received full protection in 1995, there were no human settlements within the area, meaning that hunting, logging and other human activities had not disturbed the habitat. Danum Valley is one of the planet’s most complex ecosystems, containing an astoundingly diverse array of flora and fauna, including clouded leopard, orangutan and proboscis monkeys. Amid dense vegetation, follow elevated walkways through the canopy and hike a network of trails that surrounds the secluded lodge. On night drives in open safari vehicles, watch and listen to the rain forest’s inhabitants becoming animated after dusk.

In the evening a slide show and if weather permits we go spotlighting to view some of the nocturnal animals.

Accommodation: Borneo Rainforest Lodge
Meal: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

This morning, we enjoy an easy nature hike or birdwatching on the canopy walkway before we depart. Here in the treetops we may spy great Slaty woodpeckers, black-and-red broadbills and giant pittas among a multitude of species.

Then transfer by road to Lahad Datu, where we depart by plane for Kota Kinabalu, capital of Malaysia’s Sabah state in the northern part of Borneo. This coastal city, partly surrounded by rain forest, is known for its classic markets, modern boardwalk, beaches and lively waterfront. Our Borneo adventure comes to a close this evening with a farewell dinner.

Accommodation: Hotel Dreamtel
Meal: Breakfast

We will transfer you to the airport this morning for homeward flights.

Meal: Breakfast


  • Airport (pick up/drop off) transfers by private A/C vehicle
  • Twin room sharing accommodation at all hotel/lodge/resort as mentioned
  • Daily breakfast throughout the trip and other meals as mentioned in the itinerary
  • A tour leader throughout
  • Transportation in private air-conditioned vehicles and river boats
  • Internal flights
  • Guided Sightseeing, all activities and day excursions as per itinerary
  • Entrance fees to all included sites (national parks/conservation areas/monuments etc.)
  • Local nature guides at included sites
  • Applicable government taxes

Not Included

  • International flights
  • Travel insurance
  • Visas and vaccinations
  • Personal clothing & equipment
  • Tips for guide/s, driver, hotel staff and porters
  • Items of personal nature such as alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, laundry, showers and other unforeseen expenses
  • Anything not mentioned in the above ‘Included’

Price: US$ 4,695 per person (Twin Sharing | Based on Minimum 2 Travelers) *
Single Supplement: US$ 600

* This is a private departure. 

Your Feedback

Hilton Kuching, Kuching

We’re in central Kuching, next to the Sarawak River. Jalan Main Bazaar and Kuching Waterfront are one kilometer away and we’re less than five minutes from Tua Pek Kong Temple. Kuching International Airport is a 10 km drive, and we’re 30 minutes from Bako National Park. Enjoy our outdoor pool, sun terrace, and fitness center.

Sepilok Nature Resort, Sepilok

It all started in 1991, when John and Judy opened what was then known as Wildlife Lodge, with only 5 fan rooms. With passion and interest in nature, they slowly increase the number of rooms to 60 and now it is known as Sepilok Jungle Resort which now is set amidst in this magnificent landscape full of nature.

Selingan Island Chalet, Selingan

Selingan Island offers 25 comfortable rooms each with air-condition, en-suite bathroom and twin-beds. The facilities here are basic but clean as it offers the turtle watching experience and conservation of the island and not so much on luxury stay. There is a small cafeteria that serves buffet style meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner included in your package.

Sukau Rainforest Lodge, Kinabatangan

The award winning Sukau Rainforest Lodge nestles on the banks of one of Borneo’s most important waterways, the Kinabatangan River, home to many of Borneo’s magnificent wildlife. It offers the rare comfort and luxury in the midst of the Borneo Rainforest whilst retaining an Eco-Lodge ethos, the delicate balance of true sustainability.

Borneo Rainforest Lodge, Danum Valley

Borneo Rainforest Lodge is perched on Danum Valley Conservation Area - Sabah’s largest Lowland Rainforest, surrounded with primary rainforests giving a relaxing vibe. Our lodge has well-appointed rooms, serves excellent food and has highly knowledgeable naturalist guides. The service is of 5-star quality while still maintaining sustainable and environmentally sensitive practices.

Kota Kinabalu Marriott Hotel, Kota Kinabalu

Find your respite in stylishly appointed hotel accommodations with open floor concepts, modern amenities, 24-hour room service and balconies with panoramic sea views. From our dramatic lobby to our sleek, modern hotel rooms and suites, you'll experience a charming visit at Kota Kinabalu Marriott Hotel. Explore the nearby coral islands or just relax along the beach.

Trip Facts

  • Price (USD) From 4,695
  • Duration 12 Days
  • Group Size 2-8 Pax
  • Arrive Kuching
  • Depart Kota Kinabalu
  • Trip Level
    easy to moderate
  • Activity Wildlife Adventure
  • Meals 11 Breakfasts, 4 Lunches, 4 Dinners
  • Accommodation Exclusive Hotels & Eco-Resorts

Giving back to the communities is our responsibility!

With every trip, you also support the SWAN and thus projects for Sustainable Community development and Biodiversity protection.

Our primary NGO partner is Social Welfare Association of Nepal (SWAN), with whom we have carried out multiple CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) projects. Besides carrying out regular CSR activities in the areas of education and women empowerment, we have supported relief and rehabilitation initiatives in the aftermath of several natural disasters like earthquake, immediate response to COVID-19 pandemic across Nepal. 

Giving something back to the world is a special and responsible affair of travel-to-nature Asia right from its inception. When you travel with travel-to-nature Asia and SWAN-Nepal, you become an integral force for change in addressing the most pressing social and wildlife conservation issues. Your tourism funds help transform the future of under-privileged and marginalized communities and transform the future of at-risk natural places you travel. Portion of our profit flows to local communities who live with and steward nature, creating jobs and improving livelihoods.

By joining one of our holidays you are playing a vital role in bringing positive changes in the lives of local community.

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