Explore Mongolia

Mongolia, a vast and captivating landlocked country in the heart of Asia, offers a truly remarkable experience for nature and wildlife enthusiasts. With its vast empty landscapes, endless blue skies, and diverse range of habitats, Mongolia has become an increasingly popular destination for travelers seeking an extraordinary adventure.

From dense forests to vast treeless plains, towering Altai Mountains to the iconic Gobi Desert, Mongolia showcases a stunning variety of landscapes that will leave you in awe. It's a land where the modernity of the capital city, Ulaanbaatar, with its ultra-modern skyscrapers and old communist-era buildings, stands in stark contrast to the traditional nomadic culture of the herders' Ger (yurt).

While our tours are designed to utilize the simple yet comfortable Ger camps, traveling in Mongolia remains an adventure in itself. As you explore this magnificent country, you will be rewarded with breathtaking scenery and a rich array of habitats that support a diverse range of flora and fauna. Among the wildlife, birds take center stage, offering a magnificent display of colors and melodies.

But Mongolia offers more than just natural wonders. It provides a unique opportunity to connect with the nomadic families who call this land their home. Their warm hospitality and fascinating way of life will leave a lasting impression on you. And for the brave, there is even a chance to try fermented mare's milk, a local delicacy that embodies the rich cultural heritage of Mongolia.

So, if you are ready for an adventure like no other, book a trip to Mongolia and immerse yourself in its endless beauty, cultural richness, and unforgettable experiences. Get ready to explore the vast landscapes, encounter diverse wildlife, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Mongolia truly is a destination that will captivate your heart and soul.



First thought comes to mind when thinking about Mongolia is arid, vast stretch of brown land and rolling... More

First thought comes to mind when thinking about Mongolia is arid, vast stretch of brown land and rolling plateaus. Well, that’s only the half truth, actually Mongolian landscape is much more than that. It’s home to one of Asia's largest freshwater lakes (Lake Khövsgöl), many salt lakes, marshes, sand dunes, rolling grasslands, alpine forests, and permanent montane glaciers. Less


Mongolian mostly used to lead nomadic lifestyle and it still is a living tradition albeit its slowly disappearing... More

Mongolian mostly used to lead nomadic lifestyle and it still is a living tradition albeit its slowly disappearing as people moving to Ulaanbaatar, seeking better life and opportunity, specially younger generation. Mongolian is largely influenced by shamanism and Tibetan Buddhism (Lamanism) which predominantly is their cultural basis. Less


For adventure seekers Mongolian’s sweeping and vast open spaces offers that awe-inspiring and rugged feeling of nature. In... More

For adventure seekers Mongolian’s sweeping and vast open spaces offers that awe-inspiring and rugged feeling of nature. In fact being out in Mongolian’s terrain is and in itself an adventure! Trekking deep into the Gobi Desert, riding on a horseback through vast steppe or simply spending time with local nomads and learn nomadic culture - adventure awaits everywhere. Besides, searching to spot an antelope and the elusive snow-leopard both are fun and adventurous! Less

Wonders of Mongolia & Naadam Festival
Nature | Cultural Adventure
Wonders of Mongolia: Nature, Culture & Adventure
Nature | Culture | Adventure
Wild Mongolia: Wildlife Adventure
Wildlife | Adventure

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