Himalayan Nature: A Classic Journey of Nepal!

This holiday is  incorporated a 3-day Kaligandaki Valley trails through the finest middle hill with a breathtaking view of  the Annapurna Himal, a vast massif with several peaks above 7,000 m in the backdrop, meadows of Nepal focusing  on the nature  and cultural highlights including the forested hills (Phulchowki) of the... More

This holiday is  incorporated a 3-day Kaligandaki Valley trails through the finest middle hill with a breathtaking view of  the Annapurna Himal, a vast massif with several peaks above 7,000 m in the backdrop, meadows of Nepal focusing  on the nature  and cultural highlights including the forested hills (Phulchowki) of the Kathmandu Valley. This classic journey is enhanced still further by visiting some of the Nepal’s rich architectural heritage and a comprehensive, mammal and bird watching tour of lowland Nepal, visiting the country’s  finest lowland sanctuary in Chitwan, the remote Bardia National Parks in the south western part of Nepal and Lumbini the birth place of Lord Buddha.

This tour is also designed to make an exception for the One Horned Rhinoceros & Tiger, surely one of the most evocative creatures on Earth. To see Asian Rinos there is no finer and more reliable reserve than Chitwon National Park in southern belt of Nepal. This park protects a vast tract of largely deciduous forest which still holds many Rhinos & Tigers.  Though wildlife watching is the aim of the tour, we will take time throughout to tour some of the more outstanding Buddhist monasteries and monuments in Nepal. 



  • Kathmandu Valley: Witness the spiritual mysterious of age-old cities of Kathmandu Valley, exploring UNESCO Heritage sites like Kathmandu Durbar Square, Swayambhunath, Boudhnath and Pashupatinath, a scared Hindu temple complex on the banks of the holy Bagmati river
  • Birdwatching in Phulchowki Hills
  • Pokhara: World Peace Pagoda, Tibetan refugee camp and local school, daily prayers at Matapani Monastery, boating on Lake Phewa & Lake Begnas and five overnight retreat at Begnaslake Resort & Villas
  • Two nights in a camping tent
  • Observe Community/Development Projects conducted by SWAN
  • See wildlife up-close in Chitwan National Park and Bardiya National Park 
  • Feel your inner Zen in Lumbini – birth place of Lord Buddha

Welcome to Nepal! Upon arrival in Kathmandu a travel-to-nature Asia guide/representative will be at the airport to greet and take us to our hotel – Godavari Village Resort, a 4* property that is located approx. 15 km from the airport and takes about 45 min. Please look out for your name-card once you exit out of arrival area.

We will stay here for next two nights. The rest of the day is free for relaxation, and perhaps time permits and if we are still fit we go out birding in the fields looking for some owls, pipits, bulbuls, drongos, thrushes etc. and explore local village and lifestyle. Overnight stay in Godawari.

Accommodation: Godavari Village Resort

Today we will spend birdwatching on the forested slopes of Phulchowki, at 2,740 meters the highest peak in the valley. Marble quarrying is sadly affecting the area, but it still remains a wonderful birding spot. The variety of laughing thrushes, babblers, bulbuls, flowerpeckers, flycatchers, sunbirds, tits and warblers is tremendous.

We will drive up Phulchowki in the early morning, ascending as far as the ice will allow?. Here we should get good views of the snow-clad? Great Himalaya, including the Annapurna range, Langtang and many of Nepal’s other high peaks (provided the weather is clear!).

We will then spend the rest of the day walking down the mountain through its fine temperate and subtropical forest, with a picnic lunch en route. Some of the many highlights should include Red-flanked Bluetail, Fire-tailed Sunbird, White-collared and Grey-winged Blackbirds, Long-tailed Minivet, White-tailed Nuthatch, Orange-barred Leaf Warbler, Orange-bellied Leafbird and many more. More elusive species include Nepal Cutia, Kalij Pheasant, Red-billed Leiothrix and Black-faced Leaf Warbler.

Before heading back to our hotel we will stop at the Godavari Botanical Gardens at the base of Phulchowki. Within this lightly wooded park we hope to find some of the lower altitude species such as the spectacular Red-billed Blue Magpie, Pallas’s Warbler, Orange-gorgetted Flycatcher, Yellow-bellied Fantail and perhaps the elusive Spotted Forktail. Overnight stay in Godawari.

Accommodation: Godavari Village Resort
Meal: Breakfast

Our local tour guide will meet us at the hotel and introduce us to the cities of Katmandu Valley.


The striking Buddha eyes of Boudhanath Stupa (UNESCO Heritage site) watch over a lively and colorful Tibetan community and attract pilgrims from all over the Himalayan Buddhist realm. In the midst of traditional gompas, and hung with long strings of multi-colored prayer flags, Boudhanath attracts Sherpas, Tibetans and tourists alike for daily circumambulations (koras) of the stupa.

Hindu Pashupatinath (UNESCO Heritage site) and its sacred temple complex on the banks of the holy Bagmati river. Here, monkeys run up and down the steps of the burning ghats, and trident-bearing saddhus draped in burnt-orange and saffron sit serenely meditating – when they’re not posing for photos-for-rupees.
Climb the many steps to Swayambhunath (UNESCO Heritage site) known by the name ‘ the monkey temple’with its commanding views of Kathmandu (at 1420 m), its whitewashed stupas and its unique synthesis of Buddhism and Hinduism.

Durbar Square (UNESCO Heritage site), one of the old capitals of the Kathmandu valley, is a synthesis of Hindu and Buddhist temples, stupas and statues, and is often the site of festivals, marriages and other ceremonies. Kathmandu’s Durbar (palace) the heart of the capital was where the city’s kings were once crowned and legitimized, and from where they ruled.

As in Katmandu, the Patan Darbar Square (UNESCO Heritage site), is the ancient Royal Palace of Patan faces on to a royal square and this concentrated mass of temples and the most visually stunning display of Newari architecture to be seen in Nepal. Over dinner you go over gear for trek and get to know your trekking guide. Overnight stay in Kathmandu.

Accommodation: Manaslu Hotel
Meal: Breakfast

Transfer to domestic terminal for an early morning flight from Katmandu to Pokhara. During our half an hour flight the view of the mighty Himalayan range, including the Annapurna, Ganesh, Mt. Nilgiri, and Manasulu will be a life time experience. Upon arrival our local representative will transfer us to our hotel.

Pokhara, centre of the Western Development Region and traditional trading centre in the shadow of the Annapurna Massif. Afternoon we walk along the shores of the Phewa lake allowing us to enjoy the magnificent scenery of the Pokhara valley and birding at the shore of the lake is equally rewarding. Here we will look for specialities of this area such as Spotted, Slayty-backed, Black-backed and Little Fortails, Plumbeous Water Redstart, Blue Whistling Thrush, Crested and Pied Kingfishers, Great, Blue-throated and Coppersmith Barbets, Red-billed Blue Magpie, and Common Green Magpie & many more.

Time permits, we also take a traditional rowing boat across the lake, stopping off en-route to see the Bharai temple on a small island, and walk across the hills through woods and traditional Gurung village. We will make a special effort to find Nepal’s only endemic, the elusive Spiny Babler, in its favoured habitat of dense scrubby hillsides.

Accommodation: Fish Tail Lodge
Meal: Breakfast

Today, we drive west along the Pokhara – Banglung highway for about 2-3 hours to Kusma (65 km) and trek to Narayansthan. Just before Kusma, the view of Machhapuchhare (6,997 m), the Fish Tail’ mountain (machha – ‘fish’ and puchhare – ‘tail’) is excellent from Hyanja and Naudanda at 1,458 meters, atop a ridge, except that from this angle it looks more like the Matterhorn than a fish tail. To see Machhapuchhare in its proper perspective we must wait until we get to Narayansthan.

From here, and indeed in many places along the way, we will see an impressive panorama of terraced fields, reaching hundreds of metres up and down the mountainsides. The lower terraces are usually for rice, the higher ones for barley, wheat, potatoes, buckwheat and millet. We follow the ridge for some hours through subtropical forest, looking amongst the smaller birds – warblers, tits and babblers – for the beautiful Green Magpie and White-crested Laughing-thrushes.

We drive over a small pass (1,700 m) to reach the village of Khare at 1,646 meters. We continue driving along the ridge. Near Lumle we pass an experimental farm where Gurkha soldiers returning from service in the British army are given training in new farming methods.

Shortly after descending from we drive along Modi Khola river to Kusam bazaar. After organizing our gear and meeting the local porters in Kusam we start trekking and now the adventure begins! Taking us through terraced farmland, scrub and alder groves, the trail allows us ample opportunity to further acquaint ourselves with the common hill birds, and with some of Nepal’s colourful butterflies, before descending steeply to meet the Kaligndaki (river). We cross the river over the suspension bridge, then follow the walking trail to the valley floor. Stop for a hot picnic lunch in the open meadow, then we make the 400m ascent to the picturesque village of Narayansthan (1,000 m) on the plateau.

We set up camp here in a pine forest. The rim of the plateau have steep rocky slopes and, often escarpments. Watching from here the changing hues of the verdant Valley below is an enthralling experience indeed. From here we can also enjoy expansive views of the Annapurna and Dhaulaghiri ranges.

Here, on the thermals that rise above the ridge, are many birds of prey, particularly eagles and vultures (it is even possible to see all of Nepal’s eight species of vulture from this one ridge) and at this time of year migrating eagles and falcons may appear amongst them are Himalayan, Red-headed, White-rumped and Egyption Vultures including Lammergeier. Booted eagle, Mountain Hawk Eagle, Crested Serpant Eagle, Steppe Eagle, Bonelli Eagle and Black Eagle.

Accommodation: Camping Tent
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Today we take time to explore the village, meet the local people, and get an insider’s perspective on the culture. We drink tea with local families in their homes, to learn more about their way of life and exchange cultural experiences.

SWAN (www.swannepal.org) a local charity organization has been running village development projects for many years in Baglung district. Projects include national level health projects such as Mother & Child care programme, support to the local health posts, an integrated blind school, pre-schools for “untouchable” children, and various schools, micro credit for mother’s groups, goat breeding programmes, supporting local farmers for alternative farming for income generation and many more.

Evening traditional dinner at Aama’s Farm House followed with typical cultural programme.

Accommodation: Camping Tent
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

We walk downhill to Nayapool valley where we will end our trek. After saying good bye to our trekking team we drive for our return journey to Pokhara, one of the most popular tourist spots in Nepal, beneath the Annapurna and Fishtail Mountains.

Our hotel “Begnas Lake Resort & Villas”- located 12 km east of bustling Pokhara town lies in this wondrous paradise. Surrounded by pristine nature, with gurgling mountain springs forming natural boundaries on either side and spans a whole hillside of unspoiled forestland. Just the ideal setting for our long-deserved escape to another world! Birding is equally rewording here!! We will be spending three nights in Begnas lake Resort.

Accommodation: Begnas Lake Resort
Meals: Breakfast, Dinner

Birding  | Recreation

For next couple days we will enjoy pure, unadulterated nature. In the surrounding hill forests we look for mountain birds and waterfowls in the lake. In this healing and life-nourishing environment, we can also experience the Himalayan Nature Spa that offers a wide range of classical Ayurvedic activities such as Yoga, meditation, as well as soothing and rejuvenating massage conducted by an experienced team of Ayurveda experts. Swimming in the Begnas lake is something refreshing and great fun.

Alternatively, there are several interesting village trails cris-crosing the Begnas area offering possibilities of day hikes for us from 2-6 hours depending on one’s interest. Overnight stay in Pokhara.

Birds Commonly Seen
Black-winged Cukooshrike, Long-tailed & Scarlet minivets, White-checked, Red-vented and Black Bulbuls, Verditer and Gray-headed Canary Flycathers, Common Tailor Bird,Grey-hooded Warbler, Oriental Magpie Robin, Grey Bushchat, Black-lored Tits, Oriental Whiteeye etc. Nevertheless, we have also fine opportunity to observe some of the rare and endangered vulture and Eagle species – Himalayan, Red-headed, White-rumped and Egyption Vultures including Lammergeier. Booted eagle, Mountain Hawk Eagle, Crested Serpant Eagle, Steppe Eagle, Bonelli Eagle and Black Eagle are frequently accur during Autumn & winter months. Some other highlights are, Crested kingfisher, Snowy-browed Flycatchers, Slaty-headed Parakeet, Yellow-fronted, Grey-capped Pygmy,Fulvous-breasted, Lesser and Greater, Grey-headed woodpecker, Himalayan and Black-rumped Flamebacks, Blue-bearded Beeeater and Common Green magpie, white capped Laughing Thrush. Etc.

Accommodation: Begnas Lake Resort
Meals: Breakfast, Dinner

Rhinoceros, Tigers & many more…!

Today, it is a beautiful journey on the Pokhara -Katmandu highway, through Nepal’s middle hills (150 km).

It is a long drive to the Royal Chitwan National Park. Although tiring, it is also a fascinating journey. Driving through the middle hills and ‘terai’ of lowland Nepal we will pass through a variety of villages and towns giving a unique insight into the Nepalese way of life. By making an early start we will aim to reach Chitwan National Park for lunch in the afternoon.

The journey takes four to six hours but we will take breaks for birding and photography, especially for vultures, Wallcreeper & Braun Dipper in Trisuli River and its rocky walls. Overnight stay in Chitwan.

The Royal Chitwan National Park comprises 932 square kilometres of Sal and riverine jungle, a magnificent environment which contains a greater variety of wildlife than any other area of Nepal. Over 500 species of birds have been recorded here, as well as many mammals, reptiles and numerous insects. Mammals are likely to include the endangered Indian Rhinoceros, Wild Boar, Sambar, Muntjac, Spotted and Hog Deer, Rhesus and Hanuman Monkeys, whilst reptiles we may encounter include Marsh Mugger Crocodile and the fish-eating Gharial. Leopards, Sloth Bears, and Gaur (wild bison) are all fairly common and occasionally seen by the lucky ones! Chitwan has the largest population of Tigers in Nepal and although never easy to locate, we do have a chance of coming across one of these magnificent cats, especially in the evening when they are at their most active.

Our excursions will include early morning exploration of the surrounding forests and grassland and walks into the woodlands in search of such birds as Red-headed Trogon, Lesser Racquet-tailed Drongo and White-tailed Rubythroat are three of the most sought after species but along with these we will look for Red-capped and Yellow-eyed Babblers, Common Iora, Scarlet and Small Minivets, Blyth’s Crowned Leaf Warbler, White-tailed Stonechat and Orange-headed Ground Thrush and more.

Accommodation: Tiger Tops Tharu Lodge
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Buddha – The Light of Asia

Today we will take the same east-west highway from Chitwan Tiger Reserve to Lumbini; the journey will take about four hours.

It is a 3-4 hours drive on the east-west highway from Chitwon National Park to Lumbini. By making an early start we will aim to reach Lumbini before Lunch, where we will transfer to Lumbini Buddha Garden Lodge for one night. This lodge offers simple en-suite rooms and is set in grassland habitat where there is some very good birdwatching – Sarus Cranes are found here, so be sure to have your binoculars ready!

Lumbini (25o m) is located in the south-central terai of Nepal and situated in the foothills of the Himalayas. For millions of Buddhists the world over, Lumbini evokes the kind of holy sentiment akin to the significance of Jerusalem to Christians and Mecca to Muslims. Lumbini is the place where Lord Buddha – the apostle of peace, and the Light of Asia – was born in 623 BC. The site (Lumbini Grove) was described as a ‘beautiful garden’ in the Buddha’s time and still retains its legendary charm and beauty. Recently, UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site.

The farmlands of Lumbini have been identified as an important bird area, having high biodiversity and ecosystems unique to Nepal. Bird specialties include Sarus Crane, Lesser Adjutant, and Indian Spotted Eagle. Mammals that can be seen here include Nilgai, Asiatic Golden Jackal, Jungle Cat, and Grey Mongoose. Overnight stay in Lumbini.

Accommodation: Lumbini Buddha Garden
Meal: Breakfast

This morning we will embark on our day-long drive, westwards towards the Bardia National Park. Although long, it is a very scenic drive that will take us across the terai, through numerous small Nepalese communities and across several ranges of forested hills, including the Churia range. Once again we aim to arrive in Bardia late in the afternoon from where we will transfer to our accommodation.

Consisting of magnificent Sal and riverine forests, and extensive grasslands, the park’s 936 square kilometres are home to Tiger, Leopard, Elephant, Rhino, a few Blackbuck, Spotted Deer (Chital), Sambar, Barking and Hog Deers, Nilgai, Wild Boar, Sloth Bear, Serow, Goral, as well as the Marsh Mugger Crocodile and the endangered Gharial.

Nearly 400 species of birds occur in the park and during our stay in here we will hope to find such species as Great Black-headed Gull, Great Slaty Woodpecker, Crested Kingfisher, Wallcreeper, Large-billed Leaf Warbler, Greater Racquet-tailed Drongo and Scaly-bellied Green Woodpecker. Bardia is bounded to the west by the Karnali River, the largest in Nepal, and this enables us to explore the park by raft, as well as by jeep and on foot. A network of game trails in the park allow one to explore the abundant wildlife of the jungle.

Early morning and late afternoon excursions by jeep to remote regions of Bardia offer good chances of glimpsing a , Sloth Bear or wild Elephant as well as large herds of Chital. An inflatable raft trip down to the southern boundary of the park is a tranquil way of viewing the birdlife and water-oriented animals such as Smooth Otters, Marsh Muggers and Gharial Crocodiles. The Karnali River is also one of the best areas in Nepal to view the highly endangered Gangetic River Dolphin. It is also possible to leave the park and cross the Karnali by an impressive, but somewhat out of place, suspension bridge and take a hike up the Karnali Gorge along an old trade route. Here there will be the opportunity to meet traders with their pack trains of sheep and ponies carrying goods from northern Nepal and Tibet. Overnight stay in Bardiya NP.

Accommodation: Tiger Tops Karnali Lodge
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Depending on the time of our return flight to Kathmandu, there might be time in the morning for some last minute bird and mammal viewing.

We will make the two hour drive to Nepalgunj Airport, from where we catch our one hour return flight to Kathmandu. If the weather is clear, we will have another opportunity to admire the snow-capped peaks of the Great Himalaya as we head east past Annapurna, ‘Fishtail’ and Langtang.

We will enjoy our last day in the magical Katmandu with plenty of time for shopping in Thamel the main tourist area of Kathmandu. Thamel is a myriad of banners, signs, music shops, bakeries, internet cafes, restaurants, bars, hotels, shops of all imaginable varieties and eccentrically clad backpackers. In the evening will head out for dinner on one of Katmandu’s excellent restaurants and farewell. Overnight stay in Kathmandu.

Accommodation: Hotel Manaslu
Meals: Breakfast, Dinner

Transfer to airport for your homeward-bound flight.

Meal: Breakfast


  • Airport transfers
  • Twin room sharing accommodation at all hotel/lodge/resort as mentioned
  • Daily breakfast throughout the trip and other meals as mentioned in the itinerary
  • Transportation by air-conditioned deluxe vehicle during sightseeing tours, long drive as per the program. This includes all state taxes, toll taxes, parking, allowance for driver, outstation overnight charges for the driver.
  • Services of an English speaking guide throughout the tour
  • Entry tickets at monuments/ Forts/ Palaces/National Parks/during the sightseeing tours included in the program.
  • Jeep Safari/Boating and all Jungle Activities
  • Porterage of Baggage at all the hotels, airports
  • Domestic flight Katmandu-Pokhara and Nepalgunj-Kathmandu
  • Assistance of our representatives at all main cities in Nepal
  • •On trek: A complete trekking arrangements which includes all meals (breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner), 2 person roomy tents with compressed foam mattress with insulation. Kitchen tent, dinning tent, shower tent and toilet tent and highly experienced accompanying Sherpa trekking guide & kitchen staff, porters to carry the baggage/kitchen utensils/camping equipment etc.

Not Included

  • International flight tickets
  • Visa fee
  • Travel insurance
  • Any meals not mentioned in the itinerary
  • Personal clothing & equipment
  • Tips for tour leader/guide, driver, hotel staff and porters
  • Items of personal nature such as alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, laundry, telephone calls and other unforeseen expenses
  • Other items/services not listed in "what is included"

Price: US$ 3,490 per person (Twin Sharing | Minimum 4 Travelers)
+US$ 278 Internal airfare (Subject to change without prior notice)

Single Supplement: US$ 1,115

Your Feedback

Godavari Village Resort

A heaven of peace and tranquility, Godavari Village Resort is perfect retreat for you and your family. The packages we offer are carefully tailored to your needs. Since we are far from hustle and bustle of the city, transportation facilities include a special services every 1 hour (7:00 am - 7:00pm) everyday.

Hotel Manaslu, Kathmandu

Hotel Manaslu located in the immaculate area of Lazimpat, Kathmandu is a heritage hotel established in 1972. We have kept the proud heritage of Nepal alive throughout its operation by offering unparalleled service and warm hospitality, that defines the values and culture of Nepal. The architecture of our hotel includes many ancient pieces that have been carefully restored and incorporated.

Begnas Lake Resort, Pokhara

Our resort was created from our love of pure nature and of delicious wholesome food. Our unique location guarantees that we are at a safe distance from the daily bustle. We are buffered by a tropical jungle on three sides and the beautiful lake on the fourth. So although, only 11kms from Pokhara City, it really feels like an otherworldly paradise!

Tiger Tops Tharu Lodge, Chitwan

Nestled beside lush forest and overlooking idyllic Terai landscapes, Tharu Lodge is the perfect place to unwind. Inspired by the longhouse style of Tharu architecture and built from local materials, the Lodge offers a unique and comfortable insight into Nepalese village life and culture. For the adventurous guests we have safari tents which allows for an authentic experience of the jungle sounds at night.

Lumbini Buddha Garden

Lumbini Buddha Garden is a quiet and tranquil hotel in Lumbini close to the birthplace of Buddha, at Lumbini. Its semi-natural garden boasts a private haven of tranquility, offering a ‘buffer zone’ from the outside world for visiting guests. Here, one finds an environment to meditate and relax in peace, as well as learning about Buddhism should guests wish to do so. 

Tiger Tops Karnali Lodge, Bardiya

Karnali Lodge, world away from the chaotic hustle of Kathmandu, is an intimate lodge with ultra personal service and expert wildlife guiding. We’ve created a calming, soothing escape with a focus on our natural surroundings. Our rooms are in keeping with local architecture, our on-site farm produces fresh organic produce and the property has a strong focus on environmental practices.

Trip Facts

  • Price (USD) From 3,490
  • Duration 17 Days
  • Group Size 4-12 Pax
  • Arrive Kathmandu
  • Depart Kathmandu
  • Trip Level
    moderate to strenuous
  • Activity Wildlife | Birding | Hiking | Wellness
  • Meals 16 Breakfasts, 7 Lunches, 11 Dinners
  • Accommodation 4* Hotel, Resort, Tented Camp, Jungle Lodge

Giving back to the communities is our responsibility!

With every trip, you also support the SWAN and thus projects for Sustainable Community development and Biodiversity protection.

Our primary NGO partner is Social Welfare Association of Nepal (SWAN), with whom we have carried out multiple CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) projects. Besides carrying out regular CSR activities in the areas of education and women empowerment, we have supported relief and rehabilitation initiatives in the aftermath of several natural disasters like earthquake, immediate response to COVID-19 pandemic across Nepal. 

Giving something back to the world is a special and responsible affair of travel-to-nature Asia right from its inception. When you travel with travel-to-nature Asia and SWAN-Nepal, you become an integral force for change in addressing the most pressing social and wildlife conservation issues. Your tourism funds help transform the future of under-privileged and marginalized communities and transform the future of at-risk natural places you travel. Portion of our profit flows to local communities who live with and steward nature, creating jobs and improving livelihoods.

By joining one of our holidays you are playing a vital role in bringing positive changes in the lives of local community.

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