Cambodia & Myanmar in Depth

Go beyond the main tourist highlights of Cambodia and Myanmar and discover in-depth, the awe inspiring architecture, fascinating history and cultural practices that make both countries so fascinating to explore. Our Cambodia & Myanmar in Depth program uncovers the hidden temples of Angkor Wat, steps into the bustling street Markets... More

Go beyond the main tourist highlights of Cambodia and Myanmar and discover in-depth, the awe inspiring architecture, fascinating history and cultural practices that make both countries so fascinating to explore. Our Cambodia & Myanmar in Depth program uncovers the hidden temples of Angkor Wat, steps into the bustling street Markets of Yangon, reveals the turbulent past of Phnom Penh and shows the warm friendly character of both countries people.

Starting in Siem Reap, we discover the ruins of Angkor Wat and explore overgrown temple Beng Mealea. Then we head off to Tonle Sap Lake where we board a local boat and visit Kampong Kleang to see a village where the houses are on stilts. From Siem Reap we head towards south to Phnom Penh where we visit the National Museum which houses the world’s foremost collection of ancient Khmer art, archaeological and religious artifacts from the 4th to 13th centuries. Enjoy an atmospheric sunset river cruise and watch how Phnom Penh’s popular riverfront awakens to life.

Fly from Phnom Penh to Myanmar and step into the wonderful world of Burmese culture and stunning heritage. Visit the revered Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon then head up to Inle Lake. Spend 2 nights at the lake then fly to Mandalay and explore the former capitals of Amarapura, Ava and Sagaing. Cruise the Irrawaddy River and tour the impressive temples of Bagan before heading back to Yangon in this memorable tour of Cambodia and Myanmar.



  • Witness 12th century architectural masterpiece, the magnificent Angkor Wat
  • Boat ride on Tonle Sap lake
  • Visit the charming city Phnom Penh on a cyclo
  • Explore Yangon’s architectural heritage, hear about Yangon’s colonial history and enjoy sunset and unforgettable experience an evening visit to Shwedagon Pagoda which is one of the world’s most spectacular monuments
  • Motorboat ride on Inle Lake
  • Explore Sagaing’s local market, a typical Burmese market
  • Horse cart tour of Dhammayangyi temple – largest in Bagan
  • Marvel at spectacular Bagan and hundreds of temples sprinkled across the landscape and enjoy wonderful sunset around temples

Welcome to Cambodia! Upon arrival in Siem Reap a travel-to-nature Asia guide/representative will be at the airport to greet and take us to our hotel. Please look out for your name-card once you exit out of arrival area.

We will be spending our next three nights here. Siem Reap is the base for exploring the fabled temples of Angkor, the ancient capital of the Khmer empire.

Accommodation: Suorkear Boutique & Spa

After our leisurely breakfast, our local guide will pick us to visit the famous Angkor Temples by local ‘remork’ (similar to the Thai tuk tuk). Start at the ancient city of Angkor Thom. Angkor Thom was the last capital of the Great Khmer Empire under the reign of Jayavarman VII. This city is surrounded by an 8m high wall, drawing a perfect square. Enter the city through the ancient South Gate, an impressive stone gate carved with Elephants and four giant faces.

From here, continue to Bayon Temple in the exact center of the city. This 12th century masterpiece is a study in grandeur and is well-known for its 54 towers with enigmatic faces representing the 54 provinces of the Great Khmer Empire. The Terrace of the Elephants and the Terrace of the Leper King are also must-visits as they are both known for their intricate bas-reliefs.

Now we are ready for one of the highlights of South East Asia: Visit the magnificent Angkor Wat. Built during the reign of King Suryavarman II in the early 12th century, it is constructed following the model of the temple mountain symbolizing the Mount Meru, home of the gods. Inside the temple, the walls are covered with stone carvings and bas-reliefs depicting Hindu mythology and the wars Suryavarman II fought during his reign. Moreover, Angkor Wat is well known for the more than 2,000 Apsara dancers decorating the temple. Construction is thought to have taken around thirty years of intensive labor. Today, Angkor Wat is figured on Cambodia’s national flag as the temple symbolizes the soul of the Khmer people. Overnight in Siem Reap.

Accommodation: Suorkear Boutique & Spa
Meal: Breakfast

After breakfast, head out to the beautiful Cambodian countryside, as we will drive to the quiet Beng Mealea, around 65 km from Siem Reap. Feel like an explorer when we discover the completely overgrown temple. Undiscovered for centuries, Beng Mealea has only recently been made accessible and remains unrestored. It is one of the very few temples that actually give the opportunity to climb through it.

After our adventurous exploration, enjoy a delicious packed lunch at a local house close to the temple site.

In the afternoon, embark on an interesting boat trip on the Tonlé Sap Lake, where we will have the opportunity to learn about life on the lake. Tonlé Sap is South East Asia’s largest freshwater lake with its size varying greatly depending on the season, as it is swelling to about four times its size during the wet season. Board a local boat and visit Kampong Phluck, a village where we will see houses on stilts that are submerged when Tonlé Sap Lake extends.

On the way, you will pass floating houses and impressive flooded forests, portraying life on the water

NOTE: Due to low water levels during the dry season, the boat trip is only possible from June to March. However an alternative floating village at Chong Kneas can be arranged instead. Overnight in Siem Reap.

Accommodation: Suorkear Boutique & Spa
Meal: Breakfast

Transfer overland to Phnom Penh (6 hours), stop en route for a visit of the interesting market at Skuon where deep-fried spiders are on sale – a Khmer delicacy!

Phnom Penh was once considered as one of the most beautiful cities in the Orient, and despite its recent turbulent history, it still retains a colonial charm. Cambodia’s capital is a bustling city, majestically located at the confluence of the mighty rivers of the Mekong and Tonlé Sap. Wide tree-lined boulevards and many colonial-era buildings reflect the glorious days and add to the allure of the city, where Asian and Western traditions meet in a fascinating way.

This afternoon we will be greeted by a driver who will take us on a tour to the most remarkable sights of Phnom Penh in a Cyclo, an original Phnom Penh means of transportation and a fun way to explore this lively city. First, visit Wat Phnom, which is situated near the northern boundary of the city. The site contains some good examples of Khmer architecture and statues.

Continue along the lively riverfront to the Royal Palace. This palace dates back to 1866 and houses the Silver Pagoda, named for the over 5000 heavy silver tiles that cover its floors. Its original name is Wat Prakeo, meaning Temple of the Emerald Buddha. In this temple you will view a collection of Buddhas in gold, silver, crystal, and bronze.

Then visit the National Museum, which was built in traditional Khmer style. It houses the world’s foremost collection of ancient Khmer artistic, archaeological, and religious artefacts from the 4th to the 13th centuries. Over 5,000 pieces are on display, constituting the repository of the Kingdom’s cultural wealth. In addition, the roof space is home to a large bat colony! Overnight in Phnom Penh.

Accommodation: The Plantation Urban Resort
Meal: Breakfast

This morning, gain insight into Cambodia’s recent dark history on a visit to the remarkable Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, housed in the former school that was taken over by the Khmer Rouge and used as its main detention and torture center named ‘S-21’. Further visit the Killing Fields of Choeung Ek. A grim, but important visit that will allow us to dig below the surface and understand Cambodia better.

After learning about some of Cambodia’s tragic past it is time to put a smile back on your face and experience modern Khmer life. Return to central Phnom Penh for lunch at Le Lotus Blanc, a training restaurant for the humanitarian organization Pour un Sourire d’Enfant (for the smile of a child) that provides education and job training to street children that used to be scavenging the municipal dump, and give them skills and hope for a brighter future. Your visit helps support the training of these kids by being their guest.(Note: Lotus Blanc closes on Sundays and public holidays)

Enjoy an atmospheric sunset river cruise and watch how Phnom Penh’s popular riverfront comes to life in the early evening. Overnight in Phnom Penh.

Accommodation: The Plantation Urban Resort
Meal: Breakfast

After breakfast this morning, transfer to the airport for our onward flight to Myanmar. Upon arrival in Yagoon, you will be greeted by your guide who will accompany you to the hotel.

Yangon, formerly known as Rangoon, is a relatively quiet and charming city. Its impressive colonial and spiritual heritage makes it one of the most fascinating cities in Southeast Asia.

After check in at our hotel, continue to Shwedagon Pagoda the most revered Buddhist temple in Myanmar. Although the origins of the pagoda are unclear, the local legend states that the original structure was built 2500 years ago then renovated several times until taking its current shape in the 15th century. The 8-sided central stupa is 99 meters tall and gilded with gold leaf and is surrounded by 64 smaller stupas and your guide will show you around the massive complex, explaining why this temple is so revered. Enjoy breathtaking views of the golden stupa from this vantage point. Overnight in Yangon.

Accommodation: Sule Shangrila Hotel
Meal: Breakfast

After early breakfast at the hotel, transfer to the airport for the flight to Heho.

From Heho, a scenic one-hour drive leads to Nyaung Shwe, the gateway village to Inle Lake. Along the way, stop at the wooden Shwe Yan Pyay Monastery which features beautiful carvings and a collection of Buddha images.

Upon reaching the edges of Inle Lake, board a private motorboat to head out to Inle Lake, one of Myanmar’s most spectacular sights. Pass villages built on stilts over the lake, inhabited by the local Intha people. Observe the leg-rowing fishermen and see their floating gardens built up from strips of water hyacinth and mud and anchored to the bottom with bamboo poles. Continue to Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda, the lake’s main sanctuary, which contains five sacred Buddha images covered in gold leaf.

Explore the local crafts of Inle Lake with a stop at the weaving village of Inpawkhone and a cheroot factory, where the typical Burmese cigars are made by hand.
If time permits, there may be time to enjoy a short walk through one of the lakeside villages. Overnight in Inle Lake.

Accommodation: Paramount Inlay Resort
Meal: Breakfast

After breakfast, visit the lake’s morning market. The market rotates its location around the lake’s villages in a 5 day rhythm and is visited by lake inhabitants and surrounding hill tribes who come to sell and trade their wares.

NOTE: Market is daily except on dark moon and full moon days.

OPTIONAL: Prepare your lunch with a local family! This cooking course is a fun and interesting way to learn about the traditional flavors and preparation techniques of Burmese Cuisine. Join a local Inthar family in their kitchen to cook local dishes then sit on the floor at a round table and dine in the local way.

From the middle of the lake, continue down a small canal leading to the Pa-oh village of In Dein. Explore the area on foot, strolling around the village, visiting a local school, and wander through the beautiful Alaung Sitthou area. Here you can climb the covered stairway to the top of a hill which is covered with picturesque ancient stupas and has magnificent views of the lake below.

After enjoying our visit to In Dein, return to our boat. Continue along the lake for additional sightseeing before returning to our hotel this afternoon. Overnight in Inle Lake.

Accommodation: Paramount Inlay Resort
Meal: Breakfast

Enjoy breakfast and a leisurely morning at our hotel.

OPTIONAL: Biking and Wine Tasting- Bike from Nyaung Shwe to Red Mountain Estate, a winery tucked in the Shan Hills. The ride takes you along quiet, flat roads (around 5-10km depending on hotel location) past farms and villages. Reach the winery and enjoy a tour followed by an optional wine tasting. Return by bike to your hotel or meet your car for the airport transfer. (Note: Maximum 10 persons due to bikes availability)

Around midday transfer to Heho Airport for the 1.5 hour flight to Mandalay. Your car will be waiting to transfer you to your hotel (approximately 1 hour drive). After relaxing and freshening up at your hotel transfer to Mandalay Hill to watch the sun set over the town. Overnight in Mandalay.

Accommodation: Ayarwaddy River View Hotel​
Meal: Breakfast

After breakfast at the hotel, depart for an excursion around Mandalay to explore the former capitals of Ava, Sagaing and Amarapura.

This morning, cross a bridge over the Irrawaddy River to Sagaing. Covered with 600 white-painted pagodas and monasteries, Sagaing Hill is widely regarded as the religious center of Myanmar. It is home to 3,000 monks and 100 meditation centers and you will visit pagodas such as Swan Oo Pon Nya Shin, U Min Thone Sae, and Shin Pin Nan Gyaing. We’ll also visit Sagaing’s local market, a typical Burmese market that few tourists visit. Here you will find a range of items for sale including locally made pottery, silver and other handicrafts. We will also stop at a small pottery village to see the process of making the ubiquitous water pots found throughout Myanmar.

Then continue south of the city to Ava, the capital from 14th to 18th centuries, where a short ferry ride will take us across the river to where our horse and carriage are waiting. Visit the old wooden Bagaya Monastery and the remains of the Royal Palace and Fort. There are many small villages located amid Ava’s ruins and as you travel by horse and cart you’ll get a glimpse of local life in the Burmese countryside. We’ll stop for lunch in Ava before returning to our car.

Return toward the city and stop at Amarapura, a former capital whose name means ‘City of Immortality’. First visit a silk weaving workshop which produces exquisite handmade products and then visit Mahagandayon monastery, when over one-thousand monks reside. After touring this tranquil site, continue to U Bein Bridge for a walk along this 200 year-old teak bridge. The bridge was constructed of 984 teak posts that were once part of the deserted Inwa Palace and it is 1.2 kilometers in length making it the world’s longest teak span. Enjoy a stroll along the bridge and the fabulous views of the surrounding farms and streams.

Return to Mandalay late this afternoon. Overnight in Mandalay.

Accommodation: Ayarwaddy River View Hotel​
Meal: Breakfast, Lunch

After breakfast, transfer to the Mandalay jetty and board a private local boat for a 1-hr cruise on the Irrawaddy River to Mingun.

Visit the main sites of Mingun beginning with the famous Mingun Pahtodawqyi. This huge brick structure was left unfinished after an astrologer predicted the King’s would die should the temple be completed. In the 1800s, an earthquake left several large cracks in the structure. Continue your visit at the beautiful white Hsinbyume Pagoda whose distinctive style is meant to resemble the mythical Mount Meru. Then, see the Mingun Bell which weighs 90 tons and is considered the world’s largest uncracked ringing bell.
Return to Mandalay by boat and visit Mahamuni Pagoda. This pagoda is home to one of the country’s most revered Buddha images which, over the years, has been covered with gold leaf giving it an almost ‘lumpy’ texture. Mandalay is well known for its skilled craftsmen and as you tour traditional workshops, you will learn more about the city’s cottage industries. Observe the production of wood carvings, kalaga tapestries, and gold-leaf where the techniques remained unchanged from those used centuries ago to craft items for the Royal Court.

OPTIONAL: Make our own marionette! Join the local craftsmen at their workshop and create our own, unique puppet. A hands-on way to learn about the local culture and create a memorable, personalized souvenir!

Continue our tour of Mandalay with a visit to Kuthodaw Pagoda, whose 729 marble stone slabs of Buddhist scriptures have earned it the title ‘World’s Biggest Book’. Continue to Shwenandaw Monastery, the only remaining building from the 19th century Royal Palace. This grand teak building is known for its exquisite woodcarving. Overnight in Mandalay.

Accommodation: Ayarwaddy River View Hotel​
Meal: Breakfast

This morning, depart Mandalay for a 3-hour drive to Monywa, a typical Burmese town on the banks of the Chindwin River. We will make a few stops along the way to stretch our legs and take photos.

We’ll reach Monywa at midday and check into the hotel. Take time to freshen up before starting your sightseeing around Monywa. (lunch will be at the hotel or in town)

This afternoon begin with a visit to Thanboddhay Pagoda, a huge Buddhist temple covered with more than 500,000 Buddha images. Also stop at Boditahtaung Pagoda which houses the largest reclining Buddha image in Myanmar, at 100m long and 27m high. Nearby is the largest standing Buddha in the world, Laykyun Setkyar, at 423 feet in height.
Having explored the sites and sceneries of Monywa we then head to the banks of the river to watch the sun set. Return to your hotel this evening. Overnight in Monywa.

Accommodation: Myanmar Treasure Resort
Meal: Breakfast

Depart Monywa after breakfast proceed to Po Win Taung (approximately 1 hour drive). This extraordinary complex consists of 947 sandstone caves dug out of the hills and contains what is considered by archaeologists to be the richest collection of mural paintings and Buddhist statues in Southeast Asia.

After visiting Po Win Taung, continue a few hundred meters away to Shwe Ba Taung. Spend time exploring this interesting site where monasteries and temples are carved out rocky narrow cliffs.

We then continue down the ‘road less traveled’ for another 90 minutes, passing traditional villages where you may see farmers climbing palm trees to extract juice from which they will produce palm tree sugar. Stop at Kyet Su Kyin village for an opportunity to learn more about the lifestyle and culture of the countryside residents.

Then, resume your journey to Pakokku (1 hour), arriving in time for lunch at a local restaurant (client’s account).
Proceed to the jetty and board a private local boat in Pakkoku for a leisurely, two hour cruise downriver to Bagan. Upon reaching the shores of Bagan, transfer to the hotel. Overnight in Bagan.

Accommodation: Hotel
Meal: Breakfast

Distances and duration:
Monywa – Pakkoku: 115 km | 2 hrs
Pakkoku – Bagan: 2 hrs boat trip

Today’s excursion visits a range of sites, providing a great overview of Bagan’s history, culture and lifestyles.

The journey begins at an elevated temple with spectacular views over the surrounding plains. This is the perfect introduction to the grandeur and scope of Bagan’s architecture. Next continue to Ananda Temple, one of the most revered temples in Bagan and which is quiet in the morning, before all the tour buses arrive.

Afterwards we will go to Myinkaba Village and Gubyaukgyi Temple which is noted for its beautiful mural paintings on its inner walls and well-preserved plaster carvings on its exterior. Nearby is Manuha Temple and Nan Paya Temple, two smaller temples with nice Buddha statues and stone work.

Then get to learn more about the local culture with a visit to two workshops producing Bagan’s most famous products: lacquer ware and wood crafts. Watch as the skilled craftsmen use techniques passed down through generations to create beautiful items. Take a break with lunch (Client’s account) and a short rest at your hotel, escaping the extreme heat of the midday sun.

From here, travel by horse cart for a tour passing Thatbyinnyu, the highest temple in Bagan, massive Dhammayangyi Temple, noted for its remarkable brickwork, and Sulamani Temple.

Enjoy an unforgettable sunset over the plains from the upper terrace of one of the temples. Overnight in Bagan.

Accommodation: Myanmar Treasure Resort
Meal: Breakfast

Today we offer three excursions from which to choose depending on your interest.

Swe Daw Lay Su Legendary Tour: Discover one of Bagan’s most famous legends as you follow in the tracks of King Anawrahta and his precious white elephant. By boat, car and jeep visit four auspicious sites and travel amid rural villages bringing the legend to reality while getting a chance to see Burmese local life.

Excursion to Mount Popa & Salay: Take a break from temple touring in Bagan to visit Mount Popa and Salay. Start with a drive to Chauk to visit the fabulous morning market, filled with locals buying and selling their goods. Continue on to the village of Salay, an important Buddhist centre, and visit its famed wooden monastery with intricate carvings. Turn east and head through the countryside to Mount Popa, an extinct volcano which is believed to be home to the ‘nats’, ancient Burmese animist spirits. Climb to the top for stunning views of the surrounding countryside before descending down to Bagan. (Note: Salay monastery museum closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and public holidays)

Biking + Community Tour: Experience rural Myanmar, its culture and traditions, by bike. Wind your way through the temples and villages, stopping to enjoy tea and chat with the locals. After lunch in a local curry house, continue to Nyaung Shwe. Join the locals at a tea shop, see the production of Bagan specialties (such as pea paste powder and plum jam) and watch craftsmen at work. Overnight in Bagan.

Accommodation: Myanmar Treasure Resort
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

This morning transfer to the Nyaung U Airport for our flight to Yangon. Upon arrival our guide and driver will greet us and transfer to our hotel for check in.

After freshening up, venture downtown to explore the city centre and its fabulous mix of architecture and sites. The streets are filled with historical buildings many of which have a faded colonial charm not seen elsewhere in Asia. You’ll start at the post office – a lovely historic building- and walk to Sule Paya in the middle of downtown, passing by Strand Hotel, Mahabandoola Garden and Independence Monument along the way. Then visit Little India and Chinatown, a colorful cacophony of restaurants, temples and markets. Reach Bogyoke Market, formerly known as Scott’s Market, where there is time to browse through the dozens of stalls and shops. This is Yangon’s best market for handicrafts and other goods. (Note: Market is closed on Mondays and public holidays). Overnight in Yangon.

Accommodation: Sule Shangrila Hotel
Meal: Breakfast

Today is at your leisure until transferring to the airport for your homeward-bound flight. If you have time, we suggest joining one of our optional tours.

Circle Train: You will transfer to Yangon Railway station to take local circular train journey to the outskirts of town (45 minutes ride). The slowly traveling train gives you a unique opportunity to observe the lively and colorful life of the rural Burmese people. Disembark to visit Insein market where a variety of street vendors sell colorful wares. Enjoy exploring the market and meeting the friendly locals before returning by road to Yangon.

Blessings Trail: Discover the rich mixture of cultures and religions in Yangon with this half day walking tour. Visit Hindu Temples, Synagogues, Churches and Mosques as well as unique Burmese spiritual places including nat shrines and fortune tellers. Along the way we’ll also explore markets, tea shops and other lively local sites in the busy downtown area.

Yangon for Foodies: Get a taste for Burmese food and culture with our half day guided ‘Yangon for Foodies’ tour. Visit some of the city’s best fresh markets, sample tasty treats, sip a cuppa with the locals in a tea shop and enjoy a traditional curry lunch. From the sweet (fried donuts) to the strange (fermented tea leaf salad), you’ll get to try it all! (Lunch included)

Pilgrimage Tour: Trace the path of a Yangon legend that stretches back 2000 years on our guided Pilgrimage Tour. Visit three stupas where many years ago sacred Buddha relics, brought from India, were enshrined by two merchant brothers. Join local pilgrims on this fascinating spiritual journey. (Note: although this program visits Shwedagon Pagoda again, we will visit it in the morning when the activities and atmosphere is very different to seeing it in the evening)

Art Gallery Tour: Explore traditional and modern Burmese art with a guided tour of Yangon’s art scene. Visit a selection of local galleries displaying paintings, sculptures and photographs from famous art pioneers and emerging young artists. Enjoy a cocktail at House of Memories restaurant, a historic building once used as a headquarters for the country’s independence movement and containing many remnants of this era including General Aung San’s typewriter.
(Your hotel room is available until 12pm. If you are departing later, the luggage can be happily stalled at the hotel. Depend on availability is also a late check-out is available.)

Meal: Breakfast


  • Accommodation on twin sharing basis with daily breakfast
  • English-speaking guide throughout the trip (except for 1-passenger basis which will be a different station guide in each destination)
  • All transfers and excursions with private air-conditioned vehicles with drivers except in Po Win Daung (transfers by open non-air-conditioned vehicles)
  • Horse cart tour in Ava & Bagan
  • Private local boat for Mingun excursion, from Pakkoku to Bagan and for Inle Lake excursions
  • Porter fees at airports
  • Entrance fees for the visits mentioned in the program
  • Water and refreshing towel

Not Included

  • International ticket to/from Yangon
  • Visa for Cambodia (Visa issued on arrival for most nationalities, USD20/pax, please bring 1 passport photo).
  • Travel insurance
  • Domestic flights (rate: please refer to our flight tariffs)
  • Meals not mentioned in the itinerary
  • Sightseeing not mentioned in the program
  • Personal equipment and clothing
  • Tips for guide/s, driver, hotel staff and porters
  • Items of personal nature such as alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, laundry, showers and other unforeseen expenses
  • Extra expenses/payment for 'OPTIONAL’ activities/programs if opted in

Price: US$ 3,595  per person (Twin Sharing | Based on Minimum 4 Travelers)
Single Supplement: US$ 920

Your Feedback

Suorkear Boutique Hotel & Spa, Siem Reap

The 4-star Suorkear Boutique Hotel & Spa Siem Reap is located 3 km from the centre of Siem Reap and a couple of minutes' drive from Siem Reap Art Center Night Market Business travelers will appreciate conveniences like free WiFi throughout the venue and access to a video projector, a slide projector and a cinema projector.

The Plantation Urban Resort, Phnom Penh

Plantation creates authentic experiences for our guests through the promotion of cultural exchange, architectural heritage and local arts. We are centrally located in Phnom Penh, situated directly behind the Royal Palace. We feature two outdoor swimming pools and guests can enjoy meals at the in-house restaurant or have a drink at the bar. Free WiFi is available throughout the property.

Ayarwaddy River View Hotel, Mandalay  

Opened in 2011, Ayarwaddy River View Hotel is just 15 minutes to Mandalay center, flower market, 60 minutes from the airport. Ideally located in the prime touristic area of Northern Mandalay, the hotel is in an easy access to the city's myriad attractions and landmarks, such as Mayan Chan Jetty, Thiri Mandala Bus Station (for Monywa, Shwebo), Chanthaya Paya.

Myanmar Treasure Resort, Bagan

Surrounded by swaying palms and landscaped gardens, the hotel complex is a graceful blend of traditional and contemporary elegance. Its traditionally crafted bamboo-tiled lobby has its walls and columns lavishly adorned with lacquer artwork. Imposing teak columns and beams provide a majestic style restaurant, overlooking the terrace bar and swimming pool.

Sule Shangri-La, Yangon  

Continuously rated a favourite among guests for hosting excellence and thoughtful service, the Sule Shangri-La Yangon, consistently delivers above and beyond to the discerning customer seeking a blend of luxury with the warmth of home. Strategically located in the heart of downtown, in walking distance to shops and tourist sights.

Paramount Inlay Resort, Inle

This magnificent property is built on stilts and stands majestically on the heart of Inle Lake. It is only 45 minutes boat transfer from Nyaung Shwe, the nearest town, and 10 minutes away from an exciting floating bazaar, the glorious Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda and close to the Nga Phe Chaung ancient monastery.

Trip Facts

  • Price (USD) From 3,595
  • Duration 17 Days
  • Group Size 4-12 Pax
  • Arrive Siem Reap
  • Depart Yangon
  • Trip Level
    easy to moderate
  • Activity Cultural Adventure
  • Meals 16 Breakfasts
  • Accommodation 4* Hotel, Resort

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With every trip, you also support the SWAN and thus projects for Sustainable Community development and Biodiversity protection.

Our primary NGO partner is Social Welfare Association of Nepal (SWAN), with whom we have carried out multiple CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) projects. Besides carrying out regular CSR activities in the areas of education and women empowerment, we have supported relief and rehabilitation initiatives in the aftermath of several natural disasters like earthquake, immediate response to COVID-19 pandemic across Nepal. 

Giving something back to the world is a special and responsible affair of travel-to-nature Asia right from its inception. When you travel with travel-to-nature Asia and SWAN-Nepal, you become an integral force for change in addressing the most pressing social and wildlife conservation issues. Your tourism funds help transform the future of under-privileged and marginalized communities and transform the future of at-risk natural places you travel. Portion of our profit flows to local communities who live with and steward nature, creating jobs and improving livelihoods.

By joining one of our holidays you are playing a vital role in bringing positive changes in the lives of local community.

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