

Denise and I wanted to give you our impressions of the trek to Mera Peak.

This trip was an experience that combined Mountaineering, culture, nature, and most of all, great people.

Before we started our official trek, we spent several days exploring the history, and culture outside of Kathmandu.  Travel to Nature created an Itinerary, guides, and transportation each day.

Nepal had just opened up after being shut down by Covid for a year. We were fortunate to experience Nepal when there were very few tourists. The trails were quiet and we were able to have many of the Tea houses to ourselves.  This gave us a chance to spend more time with our Sherpa hosts who were all very friendly and welcomed us where ever we stopped.  Our Guides, Mingma Sherpa and Chirring Sherpa, told us stories of their families as we walked which helped us gain a personal understanding of how people live there. We even met a relative along the trail who treated us like family with generous servings of tea.

One of the highlights of each leg of the trek was when our host Krishna would walk into each tea house and light the whole room up with an exuberant “woooah!”. His positive energy defined the whole trip.

Krishna introduced us to the many plants, flowers, birds, monkeys, and almost a red panda. His enthusiasm for the nature that surrounded us on the approach trek made the daily hiking go by, even when it was snowing or the climbs were steep. Along with the natural wonders, we visited Several Buddhist shrines, schools, and monasteries. We got to taste fresh Sherpa cheese made over an open fire. Dancing by a campfire with our porters, guides, the local host, and their family made for a very special evening.

Once we reached the base of Mera, our guides shifted into mountain mode. They were very professional and made sure we were prepared and confident to be part of a rope team.  We were fortunate to have ideal weather for the peak, and as a result, our whole team summit-ed in good spirits. We enjoyed hanging out on the top taking pictures. We descended back to advance camp where we were greeted with hot food and a chance to rest up before descending all the way back to base camp.

Denise and I really enjoyed the time we spent with our hosts in Nepal. The trip was rewarding and filled with many experiences that we will remember for the rest of our lives.

– Dwight Curry & Denise Hunter, Germany



Dwight Curry & Denise Hunter | Mera Peak Climbing

Erinnerung an grandiose Reisen mit travel-to natur Asia

Meine erste Asien-Reise führte nach Buthan, organisiert und durchgeführt von Krishna Karki – heute mein Freund.

Die perfekte Organisation sowie das enorme Wissen um Religion, Land, Kultur und Natur war so umfassend, dass mich Asien mit allen Sinnen gefangen nahm.

Seitdem habe ich mit Krishna Tibet, Nepal, Südindien und Sri-Lanka besucht – für alle Reisen kann ich nur Bestnoten geben.

Schon die Tatsache, dass die Teilnehmerzahl auf  8-10 Personen begrenzt war (wir waren auch schon nur 4 Personen)

Machte die Reisen attraktiv. Bei manchen abendlichen Runden konnte per Beschluss für den übernächsten Tag eine Gewünschte Änderung realisiert werden – für das Organisationtalent Krishna kein Problem.

Ganz toll die Begegnungen mit Einheimischen fernab von Touristenrummel – Begegnungen mit Nachhaltigkeit.

Nicht zu vergessen die von ihm heimlich und kurzfristig organisierten Geburtstagsfeiern, wo wir als Gäste bei

Den freundlichsten Menschen waren.

Legendär der  Geburtstagskuchen, den die Küchencrew in 2.500 mtr. Im Zeltlager für mich gebacken hatte.

Die feinfühlige Art, mit der uns Krishna die verschiedenen Kulturen nahebrachte verdient von mir

Höchstes Lob – es waren keine Reisen, sondern Begegnungen mit allen Facetten

Danke mein Freund und Namaste “

Hei, so habe ich es in meinem Herzen!!

Gerhard Seibel

Gerhard Seibel
In August 2019 we had the great pleasure to travel through parts of Mongolia in a small group of 5 people in two off-road vehicles.
Besides the touristic highlights, the focus of the trip was on experiencing the deeply impressive nature: admiring landscapes and recognising animals as well as plants, contacts to nomad families with their traditional way of life in their natural environment of the Gobi desert was impressive. Even for us “non-ornithologists”, the birdwatching, the multitude of species with their exoticism was deeply moving. Highly knowledgeable, very committed guides and loving, individual care made for an unforgettable trip.
Dr. Stefan Heur & Jutta Heuer

Super guide with much knowledge and experience. We want to thank you and your staff for making this trip possible. It was a beautiful trip that we will always remember. We enjoyed it!

Lia & Max
In October 2018 we travelled with a small group of 9 people together with Krishna Karki and his team in Nepal. The trip was a wonderful mixture of cultural experiences paired with hikes through unique nature. It was characterised by great closeness and personal contact with the people. This brought us closer to their thoughts and backgrounds. The focus of the trip was not on ticking off tourist sightseeing points, but on active experience and hiking.
The constant, loving, professional support of the entire team was also outstanding for us. It was an unforgettable time with great closeness and love for nature: landscape, people, fauna and flora.
– Dr. Stefan Heur & Jutta Heuer, Germany
Dr. Stefan Heur & Jutta Heuer

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