North India & Nepal: Wildlife & Birding

India, it is often said, is not a country but a continent. From north to south and east to west , the people are different, the languages are different, the customs are different, the country is different. There are few countries on earth with the enormous variety that India offers.... More

India, it is often said, is not a country but a continent. From north to south and east to west , the people are different, the languages are different, the customs are different, the country is different. There are few countries on earth with the enormous variety that India offers. It’s a place that some how gets into your blood. This country has always been a favorite country for travelers. India enjoys the most extra ordinary history and cultures where man and nature are so closely linked, co-existing in a way that seems impossible.

India & Nepal offer some of the finest birding in the world with unforgettable scenery. Not only is the local birdlife extremely rich and sheer in number but also you can easily approach birds that you encounters. This classic journey is enhanced still further by visiting one of the wonders of the world-the ‘Taj Mahal’ and some of the India’s rich architectural heritage. This tour is also designed to make an exception for the One Hormed Rhinocerous & Tiger, surely one of the most evocative creatures on Earth. To see Asian Rinos & Tiger there is no finer and more reliable reserve than Chitwon National Park in southern belt of Nepal, protects a vast tract of largely deciduous forest which still holds many Rhinos & Tigers.

In Nepal, this trip begins in the relatively high altitude forests of the Himalaya. Nepal has a wealth of birds and other wildlife. On a world scale the country is recognized as forming the major part of an area of specially high biological diversity known as the North & East Himalayan ‘hotspot’ together with Bhutan & Sikkim. Over 875 bird species have been recorded in Nepal so far and many more species are likely to occur. The region is species-rich partly because of its moist climate and the wide altitudinal range in the country from 65m at the southern border to the Himalayan peaks in the north with an altitude of over 8,000m.

Though birding is the aim of the tour, we will take time throughout to tour some of the more outstanding Buddhist monasteries and monuments both in Nepal & India. The combination of two countries exotic cultures harmoniously integrated with the natural landscapes-unscarred by modernization make bird watching simply unbeatable.

This journey not only provides some of the wonderful birding and the opportunity to see some exciting mammals, but as well will show us something of the real India and an age-old way of Indian life.



  • Visit the best of nature and culture during journey to India and Nepal
  • At Bharatpur, we go out birding in the fields looking for some owls, pipIts and larks, lapwings etc.
  • Visit Taj Mahal at Agra
  • Birdwatching and wildlife habitats exploration at Chambhal
  • Kathmandu sightseeing and bird watching at Phulchowki hill
  • Immerse in the paradise of Pokhara
  • Hike towards Sarangkot for great Himalayan Views and adventurous activities
  • Abundance of wildlife activities at Chitwan National Park

Welcome to India! Upon arrival in Delhi a travel-to-nature Asia guide/representative will be at the airport to greet and take us to Keoladeo Ghana National Park at Bharatpur, which is approx. 185 kms which takes about 3.5 hours. Please look out for your name-card once you exit out of arrival area. We will stay for next two nights. Afternoon, we will go out birding in the fields looking for some owls, pipits and larks, lapwings etc. and time permits we exploration local village and lifestyle. Overnight stay in Bharatpur.

Accommodation: Hotel Udai Vilas Palace

Keoladeo Ghana National Park, usually known simply a ‘Bharatpur’, needs little introduction, for it is undoubtedly one of the finest bird sanctuaries in the world. Formerly a shooting preserve of the Rajput Maharajas of Bharatpur. It is just 29, but holds a remarkable diversity of habitats. The wetland-marshes and flooded ‘Jheels’-are contained within acacia-lined ‘bunds’, or embankments, and irrigated by a system of canals and sluices. Around them lies semi-arid grass and scrubland and some excellent broad-leave Kandam woodland. Over 350 species of birds have been recorded in the park. Amongst these will be and unequalled array of wetland species, a great variety of Vultures, Eagles, Falconsand Owls, plus numerous small land birds. Pride of place goes to the rarest Siberian Crane. The interest for birdwatchers is enhanced still further by the large number of winter visitors from northern Asia, many are only rare vagrants in Europe. As well as birds, the park has excellent variety of wild animals. Nilgai (blue bull), Sambar and Spotted deers, Blackbuck, Jungle Cat, Wild Boar, Asiatic Jackal and Mongoose are all common, and this is one of the few places in India where the rare Fishing Cat may be seen. We have three days to enjoy this exceptional feast of wildlife, and the superb photographic opportunities that presents.

Accommodation: Hotel Udai Vilas Palace
Meal: Breakfast

After a final morning in Bharatpur we will drive to Agra which is approx. 65 km and takes about one and half hour. En route visit Fatehpur Sikri – the deserted city of Mughal Emperor “The Akbar” built in 16th century.

We will arrive Agra in mid-afternoon. Time permitting, we shall pay an evening visit to the famous Taj Mahal, viewing it in the soft pink light of a north Indian sunset-perhaps the best light of all. The other best option to visit Taj Mahal is early in the morning for Sunrise.

Accommodation: Howard Plaza The Fern
Meal: Breakfast

Note: Taj Mahal is closed on Fridays.

After making our way to the incomparable Taj Mahal, a mausoleum of ethereal beauty built by the Mogul emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal, really does live up to it reputation and more. As we arrive there the magnificent Taj changes in every light. In the crisp air of early morning it is a different building; its compelling atmosphere is hard to leave, especially as its gardens, and the Yamuna River just beyond, offer so much ornithological excitement as well! Afternoon leave Agra and drive to Chambal Safari Lodge for Bird watching. Overnight at the Resort.

Accommodation: Chambal Safari Lodge
Meal: Breakfast

Today we will visit the National Chambal Sanctuary on the border between Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh states. We will take a boat ride in the Chambal River, the last unpolluted major river in northern India, flows between low erosion cliffs as it approaches its junction with the Ganges. The sanctuary, which also includes part of the state of Rajasthan further upstream, was set up to protect the healthy population of crocodiles that survives here, and also a population of the highly endangered Gangetic River Dolphin. We should be able to closely approach the crocodiles as they sun themselves on the sandbars, both the long-snouted Gharial and the more conventionally-shaped Mugger. We also have an excellent chance of seeing the blind Gangetic River Dolphin and we may even be lucky enough to watch them jumping exuberantly, although sometimes they show little more than their backs. The most notable bird species of the Chambal is the localized Indian Skimmer and we should be able to watch these bizarre creatures living up to their name as they flap across the river, intermittently dipping their ‘broken’ bills into the water, or gather on small islets. Other attractions include the beautiful Small Pratincole, the hulking Great Thick-knee, River Tern and the increasingly uncommon Black-bellied Tern. Many other water birds will be present, including the elegant Bar-headed Goose, Indian Spot-billed Duck, Northern Shoveler, Goosander (or Common Merganser), Kentish Plover, River Lapwing, Common and Spotted Redshanks, Common Greenshank, Marsh Sandpiper, Ruff, Little Stint and Pallas’s (or Great Black-backed) Gull. Other species present in the area include Osprey, Black Kite (of the resident form govinda, perhaps a candidate for a split, or else lumping with Black-eared), Black-eared Kite, Long-legged Buzzard, Steppe Eagle, Rock Dove (here of the genuine wild population), Eurasian Collared Dove, Asian Koel, Brown Boobook (or Brown Hawk-Owl), Sand, Greater Short-toed and Crested Larks, Grey-throated Sand Martin (split from Brown-throated), Masked and Himalayan Wagtail, Desert Wheatear, Plain Prinia, Lesser Whitethroat, Common and Large Grey Babblers, Bank Myna and House Crow.

We return to the lodge for Lunch and after lunch we drive to Agra railway station to catch evening train to Delhi. Overnight stay in Delhi.

Accommodation: The Jaypee Vasant Continental
Meal: Breakfast

Afternoon transfer to the airport for our flight to Kathmandu.

Welcome to Nepal! Upon arrival in Kathmandu a travel-to-nature Asia guide/representative will be at the airport to greet and take us to our hotel. Please look out for your name-card once you exit out of arrival area.

Accommodation: Godavari Village Resort
Meal: Breakfast

A full day exploration of the upper section of Phulchowki Hill for bird watching. We bring box-lunches for today since we will be returning back to our hotel in the later afternoon only.

Dinner & overnight stay t Godawari Village Resort.

Birds like Black Eagle, Bablers, Yuhinas, Bulbuls, Robins Thrushes and many other hill birds commonly seen. Also, the outskirts of Katmandu is dotted with rice fields & tiny villages and small forest patches. Therefore, we are likely see many birdlife such as Black Kite, Cattle Egret, White-Breasted Kingfisher, Spotter Dove, Red-rumped Swallows, Black, Ashy and Bronzed Drongos, Long-tailed Shrike, Common and jugle Mynas, Grey Treepie, Red-vented Bulbul, etc.

Accommodation: Godavari Village Resort
Meal: Breakfast

A full day sightseeing tour of the city and temples of Katmandu will last until late-afternoon. This will include Nepal’s largest Hindu Temple at Pasupatinath, the Buddhist’ monkey temple’ at Swyambhunath with its fine view over the city, and the temples and old Royal Palace in Kathmandu’s Durbar square. Overnight stay in Kathmandu.

Accommodation: Hotel Manaslu
Meal: Breakfast

Morning we fly to Pokhara, centre of the Western Development Region and traditional trading centre in the shadow of the Annapurna Massif.

During our half an hour flight the view of the mighty Himalayan range, including the Annapurna, Ganesh, Mt. Nilgiri, Manaslu etc will be breathtaking. Upon arrival our local representative will transfer us to our hotel – Begnas Lake Resort & Villas – located 12 km east of bustling Pokhara town lies in this wondrous paradise. Surrounded by pristine nature, with gurgling mountain springs forming natural boundaries on either side and spans a whole hillside of unspoiled forestland. Just the ideal setting for our long-deserved escape to another world! Birding is equally rewording here!! We will be spending two nights in Begnas lake Resort.

Accommodation: Begnas Lake Resort
Meal: Breakfast

Birding  | Recreation

For next couple days we will enjoy pure, unadulterated nature. In the surrounding hill forests we look for mountain birds and waterfowls in the lake. In this healing and life-nourishing environment, we can also experience the Himalayan Nature Spa that offers a wide range of classical Ayurvedic activities such as Yoga, meditation, as well as soothing and rejuvenating massage conducted by an experienced team of Ayurveda experts. Swimming in the Begnas lake is something refreshing and great fun.

Alternatively, there are several interesting village trails cris-crosing the Begnas area offering possibilities of day hikes for us from 2-6 hours depending on one’s interest. Overnight stay in Pokhara.

Birds Commonly Seen
Black-winged Cukooshrike, Long-tailed & Scarlet minivets, White-checked, Red-vented and Black Bulbuls, Verditer and Gray-headed Canary Flycathers, Common Tailor Bird,Grey-hooded Warbler, Oriental Magpie Robin, Grey Bushchat, Black-lored Tits, Oriental Whiteeye etc. Nevertheless, we have also fine opportunity to observe some of the rare and endangered vulture and Eagle species – Himalayan, Red-headed, White-rumped and Egyption Vultures including Lammergeier. Booted eagle, Mountain Hawk Eagle, Crested Serpant Eagle, Steppe Eagle, Bonelli Eagle and Black Eagle are frequently accur during Autumn & winter months. Some other highlights are, Crested kingfisher, Snowy-browed Flycatchers, Slaty-headed Parakeet, Yellow-fronted, Grey-capped Pygmy,Fulvous-breasted, Lesser and Greater, Grey-headed woodpecker, Himalayan and Black-rumped Flamebacks, Blue-bearded Beeeater and Common Green magpie, white capped Laughing Thrush. Etc.

Accommodation: Begnas Lake Resort
Meals: Breakfast, Dinner

It is a beautiful journey on the Pokhara -Katmandu highway, through Nepal’s middle hill and Tarai, to the Royal Chitwan National Park. By making an early start we shall aim to reach the Tiger Tops Tharu Lodge for a late lunch.

En route, we will make few stops to look for Wallcreeper and Braun Dipper in Trisuli River and its rocky walls. This evening we shall paddle down the Rapti River in search of water-birds. The most notable bird species are Small Pratincole (winter visitor), Great Thick-knee, River Tern, Stork-billed Kingfisher, Black Stork, Wolly-necked Sork, Asian Open-billed Stork, Lesser Adjutant Stork, Great Cormorant and many other water-birds will be present, including Ruddy Shelduck, Gadwall, Little Ringed and Kentish Plovers, Riber & Red-wattled Lapwing. Other species present in this area includes Ospray & Brown Fishowl. The Park comprises 1,000 sq. km of sal and riverine jungle and magnificent environment with a great variety of wildlife than any other area of Nepal. Over 480 species of birds have been recorded here and we can expect to see nearly one third of these, as well as many mammals and reptiles. These are likely to include the endangered Great One Horned Rhinoceros, wild boar, sambar, muntjc, spotted and hog deers, rhesus and hanuman monkeys, and possibly marsh muggar and fish eating gharial crocodiles. Tiger, leopard, sloth bears, and gaur (wild bison) are all common and regularly seen by the lucky ones! For the first two nights in Chitwan we shall be staying in comfortable lodge.

Accommodation: Tiger Tops Tharu Lodge
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

A full day based at the wildlife lodge. We shall explore the rivers by dug-out canoe, search the grasslands – for tigers, rhinos and other animals – on elephant back, and go bird-watching in the forest on foot. The dry Sal forest, Grassland dominate the Park and that hold a wide variety of species including, Red-thighed or Collored Falconet, Oriental Honey Buzzard, Crested Serpent Eagle, Shikra, White-eyed Buzzard, Crested Hawk-Eagle, Red Junglefowl, Indian Peafowl, Oriental Turtle & spotted Doves, Yellow -footed Green Pigion, Alexandrine, Rose.ringed, and Plum-headed Parakeet, the delightful Indian Scops Owl, Jungle Owlet, Crested treeswift, Green Bee-eater, Indian Roller, Grey, Pied and Gaint Hornbills. A good variety of of woodpeckers accurs here and we should find Grey-capped Pigmy, Rufous, Grey-headed, Greater Yelownapes, and Great Flameback. As usual, mixed -specis feeding flocks form such Flycatchers, Thrushes, Bablers, Drongos etc.This should be an outstanding day.

Accommodation: Tiger Tops Tharu Lodge
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Before leaving Chitwan National park we go for a quick early morning walk and return back to the lodge, where the vehicle is waiting to take us to Bharatpur Airport for our short flight to Katmandu. Upon arrival in Katmandu our representative from travel-to-nature will meet and transfer us to our hotel.

We will enjoy our last day in Magical Katmandu with plenty of time for shopping in Thamel the main tourist area of Kathmandu. Thamel is a myriad of banners, signs, music shops, bakeries, internet cafes, restaurants, bars, hotels, shops of all imaginable varieties and eccentrically clad backpackers. In the evening will head out for dinner on one of Kathmandu’s excellent restaurants and farewell.

Accommodation: Hotel Manaslu
Meal: Breakfast, Dinner

Transfer to airport for your homeward-bound flight.
Meal: Breakfast


  • Airport (pick up/drop off) transfers by private air-condition vehicle
  • Train fare Agra-Delhi for travel in A/C Chair Car
  • Twin-Sharing accommodation in all Hotel/Resort/Lodge as mentioned
  • Daily breakfast throughout the trip, other meals as mentioned in the itinerary
  • All sightseeing and long distance transportation in private air-condition vehicle (cars/SUVs or mini/micro-bus etc. depending on group size). This includes all state taxes, toll taxes, parking, allowance for driver, outstation overnight charges for the driver.
  • Services of a local English speaking Guide throughout the tour
  • Entry tickets at monuments/ Forts/ Palaces/National Park/during the sightseeing tours included in the program.
  • 3 Visits to Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary + All activities at Chambhal Lodge including river safari as per program above.
  • Jeep Safari, boating and all jungle activities in Nepal
  • Twin sharing accommodation in Tiger Tops Tharu Lodge on full- board (breakfast, lunch, dinner) in Chitwan National Park
  • Porterage of Baggage at all the hotels, train stations, airports.
  • Assistance of our representatives at all main cities in India
  • All applicable government taxes

Not Included

  • International flight tickets
  • Visa fees
  • Travel insurance & vaccinations
  • Meals not mentioned in the itinerary
  • Personal clothing and equipment
  • Tips for trip leader/guide, driver, hotel staff and porters
  • Any expenses of personal nature, such as alcohol and soft drinks, monastery donation Tips, Telephone, Medicines, Laundry, meals not mentioned in cities
  • Items/services not listed in "included"
  • Extra expenses/payment for 'Optional’ activities/programs if opted in

Price: US$ 3,090 per person (Twin Sharing | Based on Minimum 4 Travelers)
+US$ 196 Internal airfare (Subject to change without prior notice)

Single Supplement: US$ 805

Your Feedback

Hotel Udai Vilas Palace, Bharatpur

Walk to the welcoming and spacious lobby. Savor traditional Rajasthani and international flavors dinning at the multi-cuisine Ghosla, the restaurant room service. To complete the experience, partake of local color through cultural events with Rajasthani music and folk dances, theme evenings and bar-be-ques under the brilliant starlit sky on the extensive rooftop or lawns.

Howard Plaza The Fern, Agra

Howard Plaza - The Fern, Agra's unique location are complemented by Agra's glittering monument to love, the Taj Mahal. This tranquil retreat is the best spot for a business or leisure stay, offering a magnificent view of The Taj Mahal from beautiful Glassy Restaurant & Bar and a mellow dramatic view of the bustling city through front tea patio.

Chambal Safari Lodge, Mela Kothi

A mere hour's drive from the Taj Mahal, in the heart of the Chambal Valley, lies an oasis of tranquility nestling in sprawling acres of reclaimed woodland. Mela Kothi – The Chambal Safari Lodge. A warm and welcoming haven for the eager explorer and weary traveller alike. Come prepared. This land will mesmerize you.

Jaypee Vasant Continental, New Delhi

A tribute to the cosmopolitan culture of New Delhi - Jaypee Vasant Continental is an exquisite blend of pleasure and business, it is the perfect place to confer, relax or pamper your senses. It is one of the finest boutique hotels in New Delhi. The abundant sweep of greenery sprawled across the entire hotel makes it extravagantly noticeable.

Hotel Manaslu, Kathmandu

Hotel Manaslu located in the immaculate area of Lazimpat, Kathmandu is a heritage hotel established in 1972. We have kept the proud heritage of Nepal alive throughout its operation by offering unparalleled service and warm hospitality, that defines the values and culture of Nepal. The architecture of our hotel includes many ancient pieces that have been carefully restored and incorporated.

Mount Kailash Resort, Pokhara

Whether you are in Pokhara for business or pleasure, this modern social venue attracts not only hotel guests but also local shoppers, business people, and clubbers. With 51 beautiful rooms meeting with all the modern amenities, two dining spaces along with terrace dining experience, a beautiful garden, and spa. Our bar is a great place to chill out.

Tiger Tops Tharu Lodge, Chitwan

Nestled beside lush forest and overlooking idyllic Terai landscapes, Tharu Lodge is the perfect place to unwind. Inspired by the longhouse style of Tharu architecture and built from local materials, the Lodge offers a unique and comfortable insight into Nepalese village life and culture. For the adventurous guests we have safari tents which allows for an authentic experience of the jungle sounds at night.

Trip Facts

  • Price (USD) From 3,090
  • Duration 14 Days
  • Group Size 4-12 Pax
  • Arrive Delhi
  • Depart Kathmandu
  • Trip Level
    easy to moderate
  • Activity Wildlife | Birding
  • Meals 13 Breakfasts, 2 Lunches, 3 Dinners
  • Accommodation 4-5* Hotel, Village Resort, Jungle Lodge

Giving back to the communities is our responsibility!

With every trip, you also support the SWAN and thus projects for Sustainable Community development and Biodiversity protection.

Our primary NGO partner is Social Welfare Association of Nepal (SWAN), with whom we have carried out multiple CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) projects. Besides carrying out regular CSR activities in the areas of education and women empowerment, we have supported relief and rehabilitation initiatives in the aftermath of several natural disasters like earthquake, immediate response to COVID-19 pandemic across Nepal. 

Giving something back to the world is a special and responsible affair of travel-to-nature Asia right from its inception. When you travel with travel-to-nature Asia and SWAN-Nepal, you become an integral force for change in addressing the most pressing social and wildlife conservation issues. Your tourism funds help transform the future of under-privileged and marginalized communities and transform the future of at-risk natural places you travel. Portion of our profit flows to local communities who live with and steward nature, creating jobs and improving livelihoods.

By joining one of our holidays you are playing a vital role in bringing positive changes in the lives of local community.

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